Liposuction FAQ

Liposuction, also referred to as lipoplasty or suction-assisted lipectomy, is a surgical procedure that recontours the body by removing excess fat from specific areas, including the face, chin, and neck.

The best candidates for liposuction are normal-weight people who have isolated pockets of fat that do not respond well to diet or exercise . Liposuction can be done at any age, but those with firm, elastic skin achieve the best results since elasticity lends itself to smoother contouring after the fat removal.

This technique involves the insertion of a hollow tube, or cannula, through a tiny incision into the layers of fat that lie deep beneath the skin. We use a technique called tumescent liposuction. The fact is injected with a special ‘tumescent’ solution which helps achieve a better result from the liposuction. The cannula is connected to a suction device that literally vacuums the fat out as our surgeon breaks up the cells with a push/pull motion.

The recovery period is usually 1 week, however, depends on the patient and the extent of the procedure. Swelling typically subsides after a week while bruising may last three weeks or longer.

The results of liposuction are usually permanent with a sensible diet and exercise. If the patient gains weight post-liposuction, the fat is usually distributed to other areas of the body.

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