Retinol is an essential ingredient for skincare products and is often found in various serums and lotions. It’s an important part of an anti-aging skincare routine but can also be beneficial for people who get acne. While there are prescription-grade retinol products, most people can get what they need over the counter. After all, retinol comes from vitamin A, so it’s not a mysterious ingredient – it’s just a very potent and beneficial one.

How Does Retinol Work?

Retinol accomplishes several things that can make it advantageous when it comes to skincare. Here are a few of the benefits:

  • Boosts skin cell production – Retinol immediately jumps into action helping your body to produce new skin cells. This is crucial when it comes to the anti-aging properties of retinol.

  • Unclogs pores – Acne results when the pores of the skin become blocked by dead skin or oils. Retinol can help unclog those pores, resulting in a reduced appearance of whiteheads, blackheads, and other pimples. Keep in mind that it can take some time to be effective and that acne conditions may at first grow worse as the retinol purges the pores of clogs. The good news is that retinol may even reduce some of the inflammation that results in acne scars.

  • Exfoliates – Exfoliation helps the body to clear away dead skin so it can be replaced with fresh cells. This can also prevent pores from getting clogged again as the dead skin that often causes this issue is removed.

  • Increases collagen production – Collagen is the protein that is found in the skin, so increasing the body’s natural production is good for healing skin blemishes and keeping the skin elastic. It is that elasticity that can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

As you can see, there are many benefits to including retinol in your skincare routine. So now, let’s take some a moment to focus on the right ways to add retinol into your routine.

Get the Optimal Benefits from Retinol

Overuse of retinol can potentially irritate your skin, so you need to know how to use it properly to get optimal benefits. A skincare professional can help you to use the right retinol products with the correct frequency. To learn more, get in touch with NY Face Place today by calling 516.294.9454. We offer the top skincare treatments and products from our state-of-the-art medi-spa in Mineola on Long Island.