You’ve probably heard the term “pH balanced” applied to different skincare and body care products, but what does it actually mean? Why should we care about skin pH anyway? Today we dive into the world of pH and the role it plays in skincare. At NY Face Place, we help our clients to understand pH and its impact on overall skin health. Understanding pH is crucial in achieving and maintaining healthy, radiant skin.

What is Skin pH?

The term pH, which stands for “potential of hydrogen,” measures the acidity or alkalinity of a substance, and uses a scale from 0 to 14. A pH of 7 is considered neutral. Anything 0-7 is acidic, and anything 7-14 is alkaline. The ideal pH for the skin typically ranges between 4.5 and 5.5, making it slightly acidic. This slightly acidic environment is crucial for maintaining the skin’s acid mantle. The acid mantle is used to describe the acidic nature of the surface of your skin. This protective barrier protects against bacteria, but preserves the skin’s microbiome, ensuring its structural integrity, and helps maintain its biological processes. You don’t really notice it’s there, but without it, your skin is susceptible to dirt, bacteria, viruses, toxins, other contaminants, and dehydration. Basically, it’s essential for maintaining skin health and function. This is the first line of defense for our skin. When the skin’s pH is balanced, it functions optimally, allowing it to retain moisture, fight off harmful bacteria, and remain resilient against external factors. An unbalanced pH can lead to various skin issues.

Is Your Skin Out of Balance? What you can do…

There are several signs that indicate your skin’s pH is off balance:

●  Dryness or Dehydration: An imbalanced pH can compromise the skin’s ability to retain moisture, leading to dryness and dehydration.

●  Increased Sensitivity: Skin may become more sensitive, prone to irritation, redness, or stinging sensations.

●  Acne or Breakouts: A disrupted pH can create an environment where acne-causing bacteria thrive, leading to breakouts.

●  Excessive Oiliness: Conversely, an imbalanced pH can trigger excessive oil production, causing oily skin.

Restoring and maintaining a balanced skin pH involves adopting a skincare routine and lifestyle habits that support skin health, along with regular professional facial treatments provided by our skilled team here at NY Face Place.

Treatments NY Face Place Offers to Help with Your Skin:

●  Cleansing Facials

●  Microneedling

●  Chemical Peels

●  pH balanced products

●  Hydrofacials

Here are some suggestions to restore and maintain pH between your treatments:

●  Gentle Cleansing: Use a pH-balanced cleanser to maintain the skin’s natural pH without stripping it of essential oils.

●  Exfoliation: Regular but gentle exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells, allowing skincare products to penetrate effectively.

●  Hydration: Use moisturizers and serums that support the skin’s natural pH and provide hydration without clogging pores.

●  Avoid Harsh Products: Stay away from harsh soaps or skincare products that can disrupt the skin’s pH balance.

●  Balanced Diet: A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and antioxidants can support healthy skin from within.

●  Sun Protection: Always use sunscreen year round to shield your skin from harmful UV rays that can disturb pH balance. Not just in the summer!

Understanding the significance of pH in skincare is necessary for maintaining healthy, radiant skin. Our team can provide facial skin treatments to keep your skin’s pH balanced, in addition we recommend suitable products to use and discuss healthy lifestyle adjustments that can help achieve optimal skin health.

Contact us to schedule a consultation today!! You deserve it!