Achieving Radiant Skin with PRX-Derm Perfexion

In this ever-evolving world of skincare, innovations continually push the boundaries of what's possible in the pursuit of radiant, youthful skin. One of the most exciting developments in recent years is PRX-Derm Perfexion, a cutting-edge treatment that promises to transform your skin without the need for invasive procedures. If you're on a quest for flawless [...]

By | September 4th, 2024|Chemical Peel|Comments Off on Achieving Radiant Skin with PRX-Derm Perfexion

Chemical Peels Case Study – Addressing Signs of Aging Skin & Uneven Skin Tone

Patient Overview & Needs Stacy McCallum visited our NY Face Place Medspa with concerns about signs of aging, uneven skin tone, and acne scars primarily on her cheek area. These concerns were affecting her confidence as well as impacting her appearance, and she sought a solution to rejuvenate her skin and achieve a more radiant complexion. Treatment [...]

By | May 24th, 2024|Chemical Peel, Facials|Comments Off on Chemical Peels Case Study – Addressing Signs of Aging Skin & Uneven Skin Tone

Understanding Your Skin’s pH

You’ve probably heard the term “pH balanced” applied to different skincare and body care products, but what does it actually mean? Why should we care about skin pH anyway? Today we dive into the world of pH and the role it plays in skincare. At NY Face Place, we help our clients to understand pH [...]

By | December 21st, 2023|Chemical Peel, Facials|Comments Off on Understanding Your Skin’s pH

Florence’s Recommendation: Recommended Facial Treatments to Reduce Wrinkles and Fine Lines

If you are starting to see the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, now is the time to take action before more extensive care is needed. What are some of the most effective facial treatments for turning back the clock and holding wrinkles at bay? Here are a few treatments you should have on your [...]

By | February 25th, 2022|Chemical Peel, Facials|0 Comments

Florence’s Recommendation: The Perfect Skincare Routine During the Winter Season

Winter is almost upon us. That means freezing temperatures and blazing HVAC units. It’s the recipe for dry skin that flakes or even cracks. What changes can you make to your skincare routine to stave off the effects of winter weather and indoor climate control? Try taking these measures to protect your skin: Use a [...]

By | December 17th, 2021|Chemical Peel, Facials|0 Comments

Florence’s Recommendation: Changing Skin Care Products for the New Season

When the weather changes, your skincare routine should as well. Of course, some things will stay the same from season to season. For example, you may not think about wearing sunscreen as we move into cooler weather. However, sunscreen is a year-round skincare necessity. You also don’t want to change your daily moisturizer or eye [...]

By | October 29th, 2021|Chemical Peel, Facials, skin rejuvenation|0 Comments

Florence’s Recommendation: Different Procedures That Help Your Skin Type

There are so many types of skin, and you want the right care. Whether your skin is dry or oily, acneic or flaky, sensitive or rough, there is a treatment for you. Here are some of the different procedures that can help various types of skin. Facials – Facials are designed for all sorts of [...]

By | July 29th, 2021|Chemical Peel, Facials|0 Comments

Florence’s Recommendation: How to Care for Your Skin in the Summer Months

Every season takes a toll on your skin in its own way, and the summer months are some of the harshest. How can you care for your skin properly and still enjoy spending more time outdoors in the nicer weather? Here are a few tips to help you maintain youthful, glowing skin this summer. Hydrate [...]

By | June 25th, 2021|Chemical Peel, Facials|0 Comments

Florence’s Recommendation: What You Can Expect from a Chemical Peel: Before, During, and After the Procedure

Chemical peels are useful for everything from treating extensive sun damage to maintaining a natural facial glow. What can you expect from this non-invasive skin treatment? Here is a rundown of what you should know about before, during, and after a chemical peel. What to Expect Before a Chemical Peel Before you get a chemical [...]

By | March 24th, 2021|Chemical Peel, Facials|0 Comments
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